Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Pardon me, one more thing...

Edited the links list...check it out. You all rock. I believe some Marshmallow Mateys would be in order for me now.


  1. I like the picture of Rexburg best.

  2. Ah ... Marshmallow Mateys. I guess that means you'll love the TWO boxes of Lucky Charms headed your way, in the Care Package I'm FINALLY getting mailed off this week!

    Much Love!

  3. YAy for Marshmellow Mateys and severly hot weather! Unfortunately, I'm not experiencing the first one. And ok, it's not THAT hot, but it's 82 degrees, and that's too hot, especially cause I just got back from the Bay Area! But it's weird, cause tomorrow is supposed to be like, 82, and then Saturday is supposed to be 67. What? I hate this place!

  4. Oh, and now that I just looked at what the "laughter" link was, Mom and I were trying to show it to Ray, and we had to keep refreshing the page cause it would pause, and so each time it started it would get a little further. So we ended up watching it about 12 times, and it never gets old! We were laughing soooo hard! It was wonderful.
