10 Current Favorite Songs to Listen To (in no particular order)
1. Ramalama Bang Bang by Roison Murphy
2. Lollipop by Mika
3. Sidewalk Chalk by Nick Day
4. Don’t Ask Me by OkGo
5. Claire De Lune by DeBussy
6. Run Away by Jordan Tait
7. Let’s Get It On by Marvin Gaye
8. Get Your Way by Jamie Cullum
9. Everything by Michael Buble
10. Extraordinary Machine by Fiona Apple
9 Most Recent/Current Food Cravings
1. Haagen-Daz Raspberry Sorbet
2. Steamed broccoli
3. Several of the 3 ½ dozen chocolate chip cookies Taylor made
4. Gingerbread cookies
5. Cinnamon rolls
6. Baby-back ribs
7. Stir-fry
8. Vietnamese spring rolls
9. Sydney’s chocolate cake
8 Playmill Moments I Always Look Forward To
1. Singing the West Yellowstone song at pre-show.
2. Spiderman Ballet
3. “Mr. Humphrey!?!” “Did anyone call?”
4. Riding in the Model A.
5. Curtis leaping across the stage as the Russian.
6. “Footloose” finale.
7. Organizing the concessions till after intermission.
8. Constant backstage butt-grabbing.
7 Habits of Highly Affective Playmill Players
1. Always practice safe microphone use.
2. Be able to break windows with your butt.
3. Don’t trip on little kids.
4. Kick everyone’s trash at Halo.
5. Realize the sex appeal of a yellow Ford Model A.
6. Do handstands. All the freakin time.
7. Have a cough or a cold.
6 Reasons Why I Should Be Going to Bed Right Now
1. I’m still getting over this cold.
2. I’m getting bored.
3. Rehearsal is at 9am tomorrow morning.
4. If I don’t go to sleep soon, I’ll end up eating something unhealthy.
5. This laptop on my lap is getting really hot and its starting to burn my legs.
6. I’m tired.
5 Reasons Why I’m Grateful Taylor is My Roomate
1. We are both very heavy sleepers.
2. We are both introverted and don’t mind hanging out without talking.
3. She lets me use her computer all the time.
4. Sometimes her puppy comes and visits.
5. She’s good to vent with if needed.
4 Unusual Things That I Have Done This Summer
1. Helped lead the citizens of West Yellowstone in a traditional snake dance among covered fiberglass painted buffalo.
2. Gone on a double and a half date.
3. Watched an old man wander across the stage in the middle of a scene in “Footloose.”
4. Helped with an impromptu improv show during a power outage at the theatre and then evacuated the audience.
3 Things That Made Me Angry Recently
1. My injured Achille’s tendon.
2. How unrefreshing some naps can be.
3. The fact that my legs aren't magical and need to be shaved occasionally.
2 Things That Made Up for the Things That Made Me Angry
1. Matt’s little brother Isaac.
2. New books.
1 Place I Wish I Could Be Right Now
1. Right where I am.