Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Power of Womanhood

I'm going to direct you elsewhere today, to an incredible article written by a blogger named C. Jane Kendrick. It's called "The World Away From Porn," and it's all about loving who we are inside and out, allowing our sexuality to be free from outside influences, and teaching ourselves and our daughters how to embrace the power we have as women.

If you're a man, this post can give you a glimpse into the sacred and powerful womanhood that surrounds you.

So go read it.

(I was also thrilled to see a plug for the Echo Theatre in Provo on this blog, owned by an old friend Jeff Blake. =) Woo hoo for friends' successes!)

photo via


  1. woow is beautifull.. thanks information..

  2. good morning,, thanks for the story .. really nice and beautiful

  3. Kariyanya really good .. thanks for the info ya really

  4. nice nice ea gan ... thanks a lot yah infonya

  5. thanks for the info .. gan really good kariyanya

  6. gan well as where to do so GUG hereditary ... I wanna rich skipper

  7. Thanks Liz! I had no idea this was your blog. I've read stuff on this many times. I enjoy it! Thanks for the plug! The Echo Theatre is having tons of fun. We're bringing 39 Steps to Rexburg in April.
