Monday, July 1, 2013

Overheard at the Playmill*

I've got a post forthcoming about Week 10 at the Playmill, but in the meantime, I found my quotebook, and thought I'd share these quotable gems from the last few weeks.

Taylor: Give me an awkward compliment.
Joe:'re ugly?
Taylor: That's not an awkward compliment, that's an insult.

"I made thirty-seven and a half dollars! Wanna know why? Because one of the dollars ripped in half and I don't know where the other half went." - Jacob S

On the song "Bohemian Rhapsody": "I always imagine this song being sung by fish." - Jerry

"Nobody come between me and my Tupperware! I need to store this food so that I can throw it away later." - Stacey

*I stole the idea for this post from Carrie