Friday, January 15, 2010

"Millions shall know Brother Joseph again..."

Take a moment to "mentally remove your shoes" before you read this, since you'll be walking on some sacred ground. I got this in an e-mail from Brother Allison, my Doctrine & Covenants teacher here at BYU-Idaho. And I thought it was INCREDIBLE!!! So I'm sharing it here.

"Years of research went into authenticating this photo. While the evidence points strongly towards this photo being the only known photo of Joseph Smith Jr., there is still some room for doubt – it isn’t possible to state with certitude that this Joseph. The research involved forensics with the actual skull of Joseph, historical data, written accounts of contemporaries who knew and described Joseph’s physical features, and so forth. Research was done with the photo itself which the RLDS (now the Community of Christ) church had in its possession. In fact, a great deal of research went into who took this daguerreotype (similar to a photo), when it was taken, the clothing in the photo, etc." --Bro. Allison

Here is the daguerreotype:

And this, my friends, is a digitally restored/forensically researched/digitally created picture of Joseph Smith, Jr. Blessed to open the last dispensation.

THAT is pretty darn awesome.


  1. Holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap.


  2. I second the last first comment!

    Oh my gosh that is amazing! I really hope that is authentic!

    "Millions shall now Brother Joseph again!"
