Monday, September 5, 2011

Things I'm Looking Forward To

I feel like I'm blogging a lot. I've written like two more posts that I haven't posted yet, because that's just too many posts. But the library is closed for Labor Day Weekend, and there's not much else to do around here. Anyway, here are things I'm looking forward to:

The library being open.

Getting my books from on Wednesday.

My mouth and I being friends again.

Eating solid and nutritious and fulfilling foods.

My birthday? It's on Thursday. Although given the circumstances, plans are sort of up in the air at the moment. But I still love my birthday.

General Conference. I know that's in October, and that means cold and autumn and all that. But I really love General Conference.

School starting. I know, I'm nerdy. But the current routine is beginning to bore me, and I'm ready for a change of pace. I'm sure I'll regret this in a few weeks, but in the meantime, school/work sounds really awesome to me.

Cuddling with Jacob. Recovering from wisdom tooth extraction, with all its attending drugs and discomforts and side effects, has made me even more cuddly than usual. And lately, all I want to do is let my head find that place between his neck and shoulder and stay there forever.

Which is what I think I'm going to do right now.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! ; )

    From, Darkstarwoman
